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Among the plants and roots most used for its many benefits, is ginger. Its consumption has become popular in addition to certain ailments or to help relieve minor ailments. However, there are cases in which the use of this natural product is not recommended. Let's see what are the contraindications of ginger that it is important to know.
In case of hypertension
Hypertension is an alteration caused by the entry of calcium into the heart and blood vessels because when this mineral enters, the speed at which the blood circulates increases causing blood pressure to rise. It is a disease that requires a medical examination for its correct diagnosis and treatment. Ginger has the property of blocking calcium channels so that they do not enter the bloodstream, which changes blood pressure by lowering it. For this reason, ginger is said to help relieve hypertension. However, taking ginger is very rare if you have high blood pressure and even worse if combined with treatment for high blood pressure. The reason for this contraindication of ginger is that in combination with drugs that treat hypertension, there is a potentiation of the blockage of calcium channels, causing a dangerous drop in blood pressure which is very harmful to health.
When combined with an anticoagulant medication
Similar to the use of drugs for hypertension, the anticoagulant properties of ginger in combination with anticoagulant therapy potentiate the reaction, increasing the possibility of bleeding. For this reason, ginger is contraindicated when it is under anticoagulant therapy or when consuming a drug with this property such as naproxen, ibuprofen, aspirin, among others.
Although ginger itself is not a problem for people with diabetes due to its low glycemic content, it should be consulted with a doctor regarding its consumption. The doctor may review the amounts and moderate them or, if he deems it better, suspend its use.
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